Directorate of Planning, Statistics & Evaluation , Goa. DPSE Goa












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 Office of the Chief Registrar of Births and Deaths  :-

The Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 and the Goa, Daman & Diu Registration of Births and Death Rules, 1970 were extended to the erstwhile Union Territory of Goa, Daman & Diu with effect from 1 January, 1971.

The Director, Directorate of Planning, Statistics and Evaluation (DPSE) has been appointed by the State Government to function as the Chief Registrar of Births and Deaths (CRBD). He acts as the Chief Executive Authority for the smooth implementation of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 (Central Act No.18 of 1969)(principal Act) & the Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Act, 2023 (Central Act No.20 of 2023) and the Goa Registration of Births and Deaths Rules, 1999 (principal rule) framed thereunder and all its subsequent amendments from time to time.

The CRBD is repcnsible (i) to supervise the work of births and deaths registration across the State ofg Goa, (ii) to issue suitable instructions to all registration functionaries in the State, (iii) to co-ordinate the births and deaths related activities, so as to bring uniformity and securing an official system of registration of births and deaths and (iv) to collect statistical information on births and deaths registered from the Registrars of Births and Deaths, compilation and publishing of Statistical Reports.

The State of Goa has 206 birth and death registration units across the State viz. 191 Offices of the Village Panchayats, 13 Municipal Councils, 01 Corporation and 01 special births & death registration unit at Goa Medical College, Bambolim.

All records of births and deaths from 01/01/1971 onwards maintained at the Rural (Village Panchayat) and Urban (Municipal Council / Corporation) level and also records at the special registration unit in the Goa Medical College, Bambolim, are computerized through through the software developed by the National Informatics Centre- Goa.

All the birth and deaths records which have digitally signed by the concerned Registrar/Sub-Registrar of Births & Deaths, can be obtained Birth and Death Certificate from the web portal at the doorstep of the Citizen upon online payment of Rs.25/- for the period 1971 onwards. 

Goa is one of the State where level of registration is consistently at 100%. the Civil Registration System is functioning effectively and efficiently.

Civil Registration System (CRS) functionaries:-

Chief Registrar of Births and Deaths 
Pt.Deenday Upadhyay Bhavan
Porvorim – Goa
Shri.Vijay B. Saxena Director  08322417445
Additional Chief Registrar of Births and Deaths 
Pt.Deendayal Upadhyay Bhavan, Porvorim. – Goa  
Shri.Noel Fernandes Statistical Officer 08322417441
District Registrar of Births and Deaths
a) Additional Collector (North)    08322223612
b) Additional Collector (South) 08322705333
Additional District registrars
All twelve Block Development Officers
B.D.O. Tiswadi    08322426481
B.D.O. Ponda        08322312129
B.D.O. Bardez 08322262206
B.D.O. Pernem 08322201231
B.D.O. Bicholim 08322362103
B.D.O. Sattari  08322373425
B.D.O. Salcete 08322714869
B.D.O. Sanguem 08322604252
B.D.O. Canacona 08322643338
B.D.O. Quepem 08322662229
B.D.O. Mormugao 08322510638
B.D.O. Dharbandora  08322345074


i) The commissioner / Chief Officer of the Corporation of City / Municipal Councils have been designated as Registrar of Births & Deaths of their respective Corporation / Municipal Council.

ii) The Medical Superintendent of the Goa Medical College have also been designated as Registrar of Births & Deaths.

iii) All the Village Panchayat Secretaries have been designated as Registrar of Births & Deaths of their respective Village Panchayat jurisdiction.

iii)The Registrars  may with the prior approval of the Chief Registrar, appoint Sub -Registrars and assign to them any or all of his powers and duties in relation to specified areas within his jurisdiction.

Registration of Births & Deaths Act and Rules


Notification regarding Issuance of Birth & Death Certificates

Registration of Births & Deaths Orders/Notification

RBD Circulars/Notifications

Master Circular

Revisit Master Circular

Circular Dated 14/01/2020new

RBD Circular ON COVID-19 Dated 08/05/2020new

The Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 and The Goa Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Rules, 2021new


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