Directorate of Planning, Statistics & Evaluation , Goa. DPSE Goa











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About Us:-

Directorate of Planning, Statistics & Evaluation is entrusted with statistical activities in the State in terms of collection, compilation, dissemination and analysis of data for planning and decision making. It is also the Nodal Department for conducting of National level Censuses and Surveys, wherein Goa State is a participant. The Directorate also functions as the Chief Executive body for the smooth implementation of Registration of Births and Deaths Act (Central Act). 

Besides, this Directorate is also designated as the State UID Registrar / Nodal Department for the smooth implementation and monitoring of the UID Project in the State. 

This Department does not implement any beneficiary oriented schemes. However, it is involved in service delivery to the public in term of registration of births and deaths and Aadhaar. 

Organization Structure:

Division I   Administration and Accounts
Division II   Publication 
Division III   Planning
Division IV   State Income and Co-Ordination
Division V   Evaluation
Division VI   National Sample Survey
Division VII   Registration of Births and Deaths and Price Index 
Division VIII  Goa Corporate Social Responsibility Authority

Besides the above, the Officers / Officials of Common Statistical Cadre appointed by the Directorate are also posted in Statistical Cell of various Department of the State Government. These Cells also collect, compile, analyze and disseminate data relevant to the functions of the concerned Deaprtments.